Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FHE & Air Hockey

For those that didn't know, I am in a new singles ward that got created about 5 weeks ago.  They combined a couple of stakes together to make a bigger and better singles ward for our area.  I was so ready for a change because I was getting quite bored of the small branch that I was attending, although I was a bit nervous for this new ward.  However, I am absolutely loving the new ward.  I love that they are going to have fhe every week and that I get to see all my friends and meet new people. 

We had our first fhe activity last night and it was SO much fun.  We had a little lesson and then had a bbq and then played games.  After dinner the first game that we played was Catch Phrase.  This was a lot of fun and we had some pretty good laughs with each other.  When we got bored of that we played air hockey in the bishops basement.  It was a blast!!!  I don't think I have laughed that hard for several months.  It was very much needed and I really enjoyed hanging out with the guys.  For the first 20 minutes it was just me and three guys playing.  We had so much fun and I seriously impressed the guys with my air hockey skills.  After a while we accidentally got all three pucks stuck and the Bishop had to come take it apart to get them out.  It was pretty funny because the guys were telling the Bishop that they were either stuck or that I hit them so hard that they evaporated. 

I am so glad that they created this new ward and that I am making better friends with some of the guys in the ward and making new girl friends.  It is a lot of fun and I am excited to see what the future holds.

Also as a side note, sister #2 got married on Saturday.  The wedding went very well and turned out beautiful.  They are very happy together and I am very happy for them.  I will post their wedding video as soon as they put it up.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Awesome Concert

Lately I have been on a huge country music kick.  That is all I want to listen to and I have been pretty addicted.  It all started when my sister got me addicted to Lady Antebellum.  I absolutely love their music and have been listening to their cd's in the car a lot recently.  When I found out they were coming to Salt Lake I wanted to go to the concert really bad.  However I have never really listened to Tim McGraw and that is who they are currently touring with.  I debated buying tickets for weeks before the concert and finally decided not to do it. 

The day of the concert (Friday, July 30) I was telling my dad while driving him home from work how badly I wished I was going to the concert.  Then about an hour and a half later I received a text message from one of my best friends.  She said that they had an extra ticket to the show and wanted to know if I would like it.  I was absolutely thrilled.  Needless to say, the concert was GREAT and I am now a fan of Tim McGraw music as well.  Here are some pics and a little video clip of the concert.  It was a blast and I would love to see both Lady A and Tim McGraw again.  The pics of Tim aren't that great because we weren't close at all, but the video of Lady A sounds pretty good.